Monday, October 15, 2007


I've been hard at work today, working on MX with the SAL in the MX (surprise surprise) forum.
It's sticky and muggy and I'm wearing my purple dress because I couldn't be bothered wearing anything that fit closer. I knew I made these dresses for a reason!
15th October (pm)

Here is my 'north' house, upside down since it's the only way I can reach to work on it. Working on massive Q-snaps is definitely an experience, I'll say that much.

The photo's a bit washed out but it'll do. I'm really pleased - most of the main house is done, I'm finishing up the last window, and the frieze should get done early into my stitching time tomorrow.

For anyone interested, I have sections 1-4 complete, and the part I'm working on now is sections 5-8 together since they're all part of the houses, and I'm working a house at a time except for the occasional few stitches into the 'west' house when I have leftover thread - I'd always rather put the leftovers into the piece even if I can only put a few stitches in and then 'park' the thread, I lose less thread this way. The 'south' house also has quite a bit done on it, but I'm leaving it alone for the time being to focus on this house. Each of the houses is slightly different, too, and the side gardens for each are different.

I am trying to think about the logistics of working on the last few parts. I'm starting to get to the edges of my q-snaps and that's worrying - it means I'll probably have to move them a bit to get the last few parts done. Means no more beading or rhodes stitches so that I can put cloth over the already worked sections and move the frame around...sigh. I dont like doing that. The houses are chock full of rhodes stitches so I'm thinking I'll do any beading that lies within their general area, but I'll leave all the rest until I know it's safe to add. I'll leave the rhodes stitches off the roof too while I'm working on the houses, for the same reason.

There's just something about the way the light plays on the silks and the metallics and the crystals and the beads...this piece is incredible.

Speaking of Chatelaine-y things, I'm thinking I'll try a hoop on JOB again and see how that goes. I love the piece, it's just frustrating me no end at the moment!

Dalek progress continues - I've been doing a row or two every time I needed a break from stitching. I am now at the beginning of row 21, and there are two rows of bobbles in now. He looks good.

Mmm...zzzzz...*dozes off in a chair* I am so tired.

Kyrie eleison emas...and I am off to bed.

oh - joke that probably only Orthodox people will get but I liked it anyway: My name is Kyrie-Eleison, which means Lord have mercy in Greek and we say it a zillion times each church service. Someone the other day joked that with Kyrie-eleison as a name I needed to name my first child Doxa te Theo (glory to God)

...maybe you had to be there?

1 comment:

Michele said...

Your house looks great, Kyrie!
And growing up Catholic and going to Mass everyday when it was still in Latin, I defiitely recognized what your name means.

Don't think you necessarily had to be there...I got it!:))