Thursday, August 02, 2007


Today was quite fun. I got up at the horrible hour of 11am to the ringing of mum's ancient but very effective travel alarm clock - I think I'm going to keep it now, it has a lovely soft tick, it's small, cute, and winds up with a key! My alarm clock of something like 14 years died earlier this year after one final thump on the ground from being knocked off my dresser. I plugged it back in and it simply refused to work. I prefer this one, it has no lights to bother my eyes when I wake up in the middle of the night, and to find out what time it is I have to actually turn on my lamp. Keeps me from getting insomnia in the middle of the night, which is why I had actually unplugged my other one in the first place.

So, stitching:
well, I got stuck back into Ariel's present. Given that there is no chance that she reads this blog, I'll say what it is just for you Andrea - it's Stretch, by Teresa Wentzler, made into a bookmark. I've got a fair chunk of border done, and two little bits of the picture, but I'm missing most of the colours (argh!) so will have to do a floss run tomorrow. Reckon I can achieve it with three days worth of work? I think I can. So after working away a bit more using those same four colours, I swapped back to A Restful Night and finished her right (my left) wing for this row. I am most of the way through that side of her hair, but not quite there, and it's slow going as confetti always is. But right next up is her eye, so I am very excited about that! Unfortunately, it might have to wait until Stretch is done. Sigh.

Caught up with Tessa, which was fantastic - I haven't seen her in months - like 8! We went up to our local cafe, and got yummmmy calzone, and then went for a walk around town - all flat, mostly, so was good. I picked up the skein of 151 I needed for ARN, but not the colours for Stretch since I hadn't thought that far ahead and actually made a list of what I needed.

And my parents are away at a funeral for a great aunt who I never really knew...she was strange, according for the family. So Hannah is here helping us house-sit, which is great fun - it started in fine style with us doing a McDonald's run (15min down the hill) in the car at 1am. Sounds like (insomniac with chronic fatigue) Kyrie style fun!

Anyway I better get to sleep or Troy will cut my throat, so goodnight all. And goodnight for my rats, the bigger of which are planning an escape attempt that will never get off the ground (too fat) and the babies are chortling from their perch on top of the cage. I've given up trying to make them stay in, they never go anywhere off the cage, and they'll get too big soon enough anyway.

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

You had the same idea I did - turning "Stretch" into a bookmark. I'm going to do him, I think, for my mom's birthday. She's such a reader of fantasy.