I woke up late yesterday, and had a lazy afternoon. I had an appt with the specialist at 4, and got my test results back. Guess what? I dont have addisons, pituitary glad issues, a thousand other things... I have chronic fatigue. What we'd suspected all along. Good to know, and he's sent the data back to my GP who will process it, and hopefully give me a referral to a friend of ours who specialises in chronic fatigue.
After that Mum went to marion (big shopping centre/mall near here) because mum needed a rice cooker, and filled out the forms that meant that I could get a (free of charge) wheelchair from there whenever I wanted, which would be useful if shopping with friends etc and I got tired. Mum had other ideas though, and dumped me in one anyway since we were going to go a fair distance to Big W and get a rice cooker. I figured it was easier to get in than argue, and it was worth it - my legs were aching and while I've got used to that, not having to be walking was wonderful! As we were going there though, we went past House, and they had this massive sign that said 40-70% off everything. This sounded good, and they had Maxwell Williams white sets (which I have wanted one of for ages, for a good place setting that I can replace pieces easily of) for $50 (about $25 in US prices) which was a bargain! We went in to check them out, and they had European sets (classic white place settings, with plain, but big plates with a raised edge so things don't spill off without it being curved) as a six place (not four) with the bigger, flatter bowls than usual (for pasta, stir fry, risotto, gnocchi....ie all the things i love to cook and eat) for the same price as the four place sets! The only thing they didn't have was the matching cups and saucers, and since white cups and saucers are really not my thing - I collect funky mugs, cups, etc - this was the perfect deal for me. Two extra place settings for four mugs I didnt want anyway. I had to think about this??? So I bought it, and brought it home. Troy and I have an everyday set of crockery - normal soup/pasta/cereal bowls, rice bowls, side&dinner plates, mugs - and a couple platters and bowls, all in a robins egg blue that I got for about $2 a piece a year or so ago, at a stocktake sale, but they're the 'use every day until they are too chipped/broken/mismatched/etc to keep' set that are easily replaceable with a $20-30 set from target/harris scarfes in a few years set. I wanted a nice set for when we had people over, because we'll have a very spend-thrifty place in that Troy's dad will probably make most of our furniture from plain pine and it will be decorated as we can afford - not much, and things like a matching, classy, unchipped dinner set are important then. Maxwell Williams white basics are the kind of thing that don't really go out of style much, and you can always replace easily, so I figured I'd get some with the stashed money I've still got from working. Got home and told Troy, and mentioned that House has all the other stuff that goes on a table to match - platters, cassarole dishes, platters, gravy boats, sauce dishes....etc etc, for really cheap as well and Troy said to go back and be sensible about it, but buy everything else I'd want for a table. So I'm doing that this afternoon :)
Anyway, back to yesterday. We went to Big W after that and bought a rice cooker, and I grabbed super food ideas and good taste at the same time because I like reading them, and cooking from them when I can. While we were having coffee at Hudsons (marble mocha, yummmmm) I flipped through them and came across a recipe for choc-cheesecake muffins. What the? But they looked good, and we had most of what was needed at home, so I figured I'd grab the last few ingredients and make them. And make them I did! I sat down for as much as possible, and knelt on chairs rather than standing (less effort) if I had to be at the stove, and it took me an hour or so because it was a new recipe but they came out GREAT. Soooo good...very very rich, but yummy. Twelve, and some leftover cheesecake batter which I am going to make into mini baked cheesecakes tonight. They have a definite thumbs up from all members of our household.
I got photos, but Bindi's lost the camera cable so when we find them I'll upload them! They look great too.
But I woke up today...and I feel great. Despite the fact that I used all that energy cooking last night! I figured it must have got to the endorphins or something, because I feel better today than I have in ages. So I've been cleaning up my room a bit (all the clothes I didn't have the energy to put away, stuff on floor, etc) and eating muffins, and when Mum gets home in a few minutes we'll go back to marion and buy more china. Yay! Maybe a few other house-y things too, depending on what's there and I need.
Troy and I are also thinking seriously about having our engagement party soon too. Better late than never, right? Its only been six months, lol. So much chaos has been happening that now is the first chance we've had to think about it. So that should happen in the next month or so, hopefully.
And I booked tickets to Melbourne, as well. Troy and I are going over to stay with our friends David and Bianca. Troy met David through a wargaming forum, and they have a little boy named Al, too, and another on the way. Should be good, we're going over on the train ($99 each return, go us!!) for a week, and it should be a lot of fun. I predict much tabletop gaming for Troy and David though. Nerds...hehehehe.
So should be good. I'll get some stitching in tonight, maybe even a bit of MX, and we'll see what happens!
I love days where I feel human again. I still ache, but it's a background thing today. YAY!