Saturday, November 03, 2007


Well, I've spent three days this week in the hospital with kidney stones. That was annoying, but I'm not going to go into it because it was just irritating. Literally. They thought I had appendicitis, but I didn't. Yay!

Now I'm home, and that's a lot better. I'm very very tired, and I am going to enjoy my bed tonight. Troy told people that I was in hospital, so I got a few surprise visits yesterday!

First, Father turned up while I was eating lunch and we had a chat, and then later Maria came to visit bearing roses (which were beautiful) and a card and gift on behalf of my study group. The gift was a small framed icon of the Theotokos, given to watch over me, and it's beautiful. Elias (the one who found my blog by accident!) also came, with a card and a lovely blown glass angel.

Anyway, now I'm settled down with dinner and my stitching, and part 11 of Mystery X looks BEAUTIFUL, so I will be pleased when I get there!

1 comment:

Tash said...

Sorry to hear that you've been unwell... I've heard that kidney stones are the worst! Hope you're all better now, and looking forward to getting back into JOB!